Add conference break-out seminars to your annual meeting or large chiropractic event.
Tulip Seminars is here to meet the need of conference organizers looking for sell-outs in their manual therapy tracks such that attendees get out of their seats. Providing flexibility, our Conference Breakout Seminars are customizable. Does your conference need a 2-hour segment, a 4-hour segment, a full day seminar? If so, we can immediately help avoid monotony and actively elevate the attendee experience. Our Conference Breakout Seminars are intentionally meeting the demand of new and experienced clinicians in all practice settings who are looking for something different in continuing education. To do so, these seminars are focused on supporting, refining, or even reinventing the clinical frameworks of manual therapists to improve patient outcomes. Providing an optimal learning environment, attendees will have immediate access to actively practicing instructors with a level of clinical teaching experience that is unparalleled in manual therapy continuing education. Lots of qualified instructors at the fingertips of attendees (pun intended). Consider our Conference Breakout Seminars a customizable portal to successfully market your seminar to potential attendees looking for an interactive, evidence-based way to immediately turn learning into practice.